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Client (V1)

Current client implementation. Is uses Apache Http Client by default and supports JDK built-in http clients aswell.

Note: this component will be deprecated soon.


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Since version 0.5.0, the driver uses a new client http library that needs to be added as a dependency.

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Connection URL Format: protocol://host[:port][/database][?param[=value][&param[=value]][#tag[,tag]], for example:

  • http://localhost:8443?ssl=true&sslmode=NONE
  • https://(

Connect to a single node:

ClickHouseNode server = ClickHouseNode.of("http://localhost:8123/default?compress=0");

Connect to a cluster with multiple nodes:

ClickHouseNodes servers = ClickHouseNodes.of(
+ "?load_balancing_policy=random&health_check_interval=5000&failover=2");

Query API

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from numbers limit :limit")
.executeAndWait()) {
ClickHouseResponseSummary summary = response.getSummary();
long totalRows = summary.getTotalRowsToRead();

Streaming Query API

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from numbers limit :limit")
.executeAndWait()) {
for (ClickHouseRecord r : response.records()) {
int num = r.getValue(0).asInteger();
// type conversion
String str = r.getValue(0).asString();
LocalDate date = r.getValue(0).asDate();

Insert API

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("insert into my_table select c2, c3 from input('c1 UInt8, c2 String, c3 Int32')")
.data(myInputStream) // load data into a table and wait until it's completed
.executeAndWait()) {
ClickHouseResponseSummary summary = response.getSummary();



The client will by default use LZ4 compression, which requires this dependency:

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You can choose to use gzip instead by setting compress_algorithm=gzip in the connection URL.

Alternatively, you can disable compression a few ways.

  1. Disable by setting compress=0 in the connection URL: http://localhost:8123/default?compress=0
  2. Disable via the client configuration:
ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.builder()
.config(new ClickHouseConfig(Map.of(ClickHouseClientOption.COMPRESS, false)))

See the compression documentation to learn more about different compression options.

Multiple queries

Execute multiple queries in a worker thread one after another within same session:

CompletableFuture<List<ClickHouseResponseSummary>> future = ClickHouseClient.send(servers.apply(servers.getNodeSelector()),
"create database if not exists my_base",
"use my_base",
"create table if not exists test_table(s String) engine=Memory",
"insert into test_table values('1')('2')('3')",
"select * from test_table limit 1",
"truncate table test_table",
"drop table if exists test_table");
List<ClickHouseResponseSummary> results = future.get();

Named Parameters

You can pass parameters by name rather than relying solely on their position in the parameter list. This capability is available using params function.

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from my_table where name=:name limit :limit")
.params("Ben", 1000)
.executeAndWait()) {

All params signatures involving String type (String, String[], Map<String, String>) assume the keys being passed are valid ClickHouse SQL strings. For instance:

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from my_table where name=:name")
.executeAndWait()) {

If you prefer not to parse String objects to ClickHouse SQL manually, you can use the helper function ClickHouseValues.convertToSqlExpression located at

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from my_table where name=:name")
.params(Map.of("name", ClickHouseValues.convertToSqlExpression("Ben's")))
.executeAndWait()) {

In the example above, ClickHouseValues.convertToSqlExpression will escape the inner single quote, and surround the variable with a valid single quotes.

Other types, such as Integer, UUID, Array and Enum will be converted automatically inside params.